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有人問到電影中的一些科技, 例如 Wall-E 這樣的清潔機械人等等何時才會普及...

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當初聽說這檔事的時候並沒有太在意, 似乎沒什麼大不了的. 只是沒想到竟會牽扯到百慕達三角被一傳再傳... 先看看大陸媒體的這篇報導吧:

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Nibiru and Doomsday 2012: Questions and Answers -

NASA 對於 Nibiru 與 2012 年世界末日問答集(原文)



Nibiru and Doomsday 2012: Questions and Answers

Stories about the fictional planet Nibiru and predictions of doomsday in December 2012 have blossomed on the Internet. There are now (June 2009) more than 175 books listed on dealing with the 2012 doomsday. As this hoax spreads, many more disaster scenarios are being suggested. “Ask an Astrobiologist” has received nearly a thousand questions about Nibiru and 2012, with more than 200 answers posted. Many new questions are similar to those already answered. Following is a list of the most popular “Twenty Questions” organized in a logical succession and answered in some detail.

In addition to my responses, there are some other good resources


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對電子產品的操作算是相當熟練了, 常見的就算不看說明書也可以輕鬆上手, 不過長久以來, 對計算機上頭那個 % 按鍵總是敬而遠之, 總覺得這個鍵沒啥邏輯可言, 一不小心可能就觸雷了! 稍微試著去瞭解一下, 問題還真多勒... 看了半天還是---不想碰! 最近在知識+上頭就看到有人撞進雷區了, 所以, 還是把心得整理整理...

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也許, 妳已找到那片開滿白色鬱金香的原野...

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Doraemon 的法寶-- 幻想與現實

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現在所研發出來的機器人, 例如 ASIMO, 是否已被套上三大法則?

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聲音是不可能從太空傳到地球上來的, 因為沒有傳導的介質. 但是宇宙中充滿了自然產生的各種電磁波, 所謂來自外太空的聲音, 就是聆聽這些無線電波.

當 然, 人耳是聽不到電波的. 但這些電波本身會有強度與頻率的變化, 如果這些變化是落在音頻範圍內, 那麼將這些宇宙星體所發出的電波當做載波, 經過解調之後就能轉換為聲音, 就像是收音機的原理一樣. 如果瞭解收音機的工作原理, 可能會比較清楚我在說什麼. 事實上, 業餘玩家靠收音機也能聆聽宇宙的聲音nc...

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